About Me

I'm a post-baccalaureate Research Assistant in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the Johns Hopkins University, working on PHANGS stellar associations. I also work on exoplanet hosts' photometric monitoring for stellar activity. I am applying to Ph.D. programs in the 2024–25 cycle (Fall 2025 start date).

View my CV



2023  – present

Stellar associations and star cluster catalog

Exoplanet Host Photometric Monitoring 

2022 – present

Astronomy Department and Van Vleck Observatory, Wesleyan University
Mentor: Seth Redfield

Photometry monitoring of stellar activities of nine sub-Neptune planet hosts as part of HST GO 17192 program with an on-campus 0.6-m robotic telescope.

Cosmogenic Nuclides


Martin A. Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University
Mentor: Reto Trappitsch

Developing Python codes to model the production of radioactive nuclides in lunar rock samples under cosmic rays.

ASAS-SN Microlensing


Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University
Mentors: Subo Dong, Ping Chen

PyRAF photometry and analyses on microlensing event ASASSN-18fb. Participation in ASAS-SN transient source confirmation.

What's here?

  • I'm from Beijing, China. My Chinese name is 田秋实. Tian/田 is my family name. Qiushi/秋实 is my given name, roughly pronouced as "tsyu-shri." You can listen to the pronounciation on Google Translate. I always go by Chris.
  • I took the banner photo of the Orion Nebula (Messier 42) myself! With my own 4-inch reflector and my dad's Cannon 5D Mark II when I was... oh gosh, I don't remember!


Qiushi Tian

Research Assistant

Email: qtian 🐌 jhu 🌐 edu

Department of Physics and Astronomy

The Johns Hopkins University

3701 San Martin Dr.
Bloomberg Center, Room 412
Baltimore, MD 21218

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